
Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Monday, August 29, 2005




A man's steps are directed by the Lord. How then can anyone understand his own way? (Proverbs 20:24)

Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails. (Proverbs 19:21)

Dr. Hsien

I had a counseling session with Dr. Hsien tonight. He is just like Dr. Phil.

Dr. Hsien, I listened to you. I jotted down some notes.
* No one is perfect, including myself. So every time I see someone's short, just thank God that he/she is just like myself.
* I can never change someone. Only God can. So instead of trying to change someone, it's easier to change myself first, then leave the rest to God.
* Take a deep breath and PRAY! Move on and focus on more fun and positive stuff in your relationship.

I don't know how much he is going to charge me. heehee =P

Sunday, August 28, 2005

New hairstyle for Brownie!

Saturday, August 27, 2005

I am so dead tired. Friday was supposed to be relaxing but it turned out to be the busiest day of the week. It was just unbelievable at work today because school starts this coming Monday. Parents and students kept coming and calling the office. Endless phone calls and testings drove me crazy. =(
I am glad that I brought my own lunch box that I prepared last night because I didn't even have enough time to eat. My coworker went to buy some plum juice for me and it had this strange bitter taste...But I finished it all. =)

Picked up Erin at the airport tonight and again she bought earrings for me. These earrings are so cute! Thanks Erin...She is very sweet to me. I got all my earrings from her. Nice cousin I got.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Happy Birthday Erin!
My dear cousin, Erin, is coming here from Taiwan on her birthday. She is going back to school in North Carolina this Sunday morning. I think the flight is like early morning around 6ish.
高天柔!生日快樂!!!這張照片是一年前的今天照的ㄟ,記得我們幫你辦的party嗎??? 平均年齡5歲的那種party....想起來好好笑喔!一年過去了,很快吧!去年你來的時候真的是好好玩喔~我們再一起去玩~
神會照顧你在北卡的日子.加油!!!!加油!!!! add oil!!! add oil!!!!

Birthday girl...
你那是什麼臉阿? 這是什麼態度??? heehee =P

Thursday, August 25, 2005

I can't believe it! Icecreampuffpuff knows how to cook!!! It's just amazing when I read her blog. I guess marriage can really change a person a lot. Icecreampuffpuff has moved to San Francisco for about 5 to 6 years. She didn't do any chores at home when she was here with us. But look at her now, she cooks everyday for her new husband (well, the one and only one, but new). heehee

I stayed at her place for couple weeks last summer and we only ate once at her apartment. And I didn't know she can cook. haha~ 威爺,你好幸福喔!!藝術家煮的東西看起來好像都比較好吃ㄟ~ yummy!

"Matter of the Heart" is the topic for this year's CiR retreat and I think it is what I need to hear from God. I truly enjoyed every moment of the retreat and I had a great time there over the weekend. This is the second time joining CiR and Westminster brothers and sisters for the summer retreat. I think it's very special this year and something is different, in many good ways. I actually had tears in my eyes at one of the meetings. To me, it was always very calm at CiR meetings I had been to. But somehow this time at the retreat, I felt so touched to a point that I wanted to cry.

I truly enjoyed the messages brother Sam shared with us at the retreat. My heart was so touched and felt encouraged by the word of God. Once again, I was reminded how great and how much God loves me and I really need to touch the Lord with a "purpose." I again search the condition of my heart before the Lord and this verse touches my heart the most, "So I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and man." (Acts 24:16) I want a heart just right for the Lord! Not only to God, but also examine the relationship I have with people. The attitudes and thoughts I have toward people.

For all the fun activities we had, I think conquering the giant tree Goliath would be the most exciting thing to do there. heehee =) I am so glad that I did it. I was kind of scared and didn't want to do it at first. Thanks for all the encouragement from you guys. Yeah, just give it a try! It is really like the road of faith. Sometimes we have fear in many things in life and that fear just hinders us of reaching the goals.

Thanks to those who participated in preparing and organizing the retreat. Thanks to all the girls. It was so fun just to chat with you before going to bed. Special thanks to Sophia for staying with me till the last day. =)

Thank You God, for being with us. I give You all the honor, glory, praise, worship, and thanks.

CiR 2005 Summer Retreat Photos at Harmony Pines (Saturday)

CiR 2005 Summer Retreat Photos at Harmony Pines (Sunday & Monday)

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Today, I got lost on the way to Eve's house. I am getting worse with directions, especially when the freeway exit turns into two opposite directions (south & north or east & west). I looked up the map but I still drove to the wrong direction. I think I should have a navigation system in my car!!!

Since Eve was home alone and she stayed home for the entire day, we went to Sinbala for dinner. After dinner we went to Quickly to grab some drinks. I had a great time tonight and I felt I was younger when I was with her... =)

Once again, Brownie is back at home from the vacation at Hacienda Hts. heehee =P

I am going to the summer retreat with CiR at Harmony Pines Christian Center over the weekend. Yay, I already take Monday off..Yes, I need to relax. I've been busy and tired for a long time. Please pray for the retreat. Pray for the young people, speakers, worship team, transportation, foods, cabins, safe environment, activities...& more. Pray that we will have a safe, exciting, blessed & fun-filled retreat, enjoy the fellowship of brothers & sisters, and most of all, enjoy the presence of God. Pray that our hearts will be touched by God!

Big thanks to the retreat planning committee! (I don't know who are in this committee but thanks anyway.) =)

Tuesday, August 16, 2005







~有情天音樂世界 Heaventunes International~

I am listening to this song and it really touches my heart. Thank you for sharing the song with me. =)

Thank you for the flowers. What a surprise!

Monday, August 15, 2005

Anthony just came and gave me his wedding invitation. He and Claire are getting married this October. My entire family is invited =) I first met Anthony back in 1994 in my high school PE class when I first came to the United States. It has been 12 years already. Wow! I still remember that my mom used to ask him to buy stamps for us and he would ride his bike and delivered the stamps. So funny....
A lot of memories and good old times. I really treasure our friendship. I know we've been very busy with our own lives lately but good friends are always close at heart.

"Love will never fade away~"
still remember this? May God bless your marriage with His amazing love.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Yesterday, Pinkybaby and I went to visit Henry, Ellie, their 3-year-old Shannon & one-month-old newborn Alexander. Henry is our old friend. We used to go to the same high school, same church, same fellowship & same community college. His little girl, Shannon, is so cute and very clever. Her big eyes are so beautiful. Baby Alex was sleeping throughout the whole time when we were there. I guess he was too tired. We tried to wake him up from the nap but he just wouldn't open his eyes. It's such a joy to hold baby Alex in my arms...Ah...I love babies....
I thank God that we can still keep in touch with Henry after many years. I will definitely keep his family in my prayer and may God continue to bless his family & bring them back to His house.

Me & Baby Alex

Me, Shannon & Pinkybaby~ see the spiderman signs?

Thursday, August 11, 2005



Time is flying. It seems like the summer will be over soon. I've been very busy at work every single day and I always feel so tired when I get home. But there is a hope. A hope of taking some time off later on and travel to a new place. =)

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

I am trying...trying hard...

We will miss you!


沒看過這麼可愛的恐龍! The cutest dinosaur~ =)

Monday, August 08, 2005

more pictures of the wedding!

Dinner at Pomona Valley Mining Co.

Friday, August 05, 2005

I will be gone for the weekend.
Have a blessed weekend everyone! =)

Sea World San Diego =)

me & my brother-in-law 姊夫~

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Good to hear your voice again.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

want to see more pictures???