昨天和今天都去看了伴娘的禮服, 看得蠻累的, 可能是因為上了一天的班吧!!覺得睡眠不足. 今天試穿了三套, 都還不錯. 有兩件都蠻喜歡的, 很想通通都買下來. =P
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Monday, June 27, 2005
昨天全家人一起去Men's Wearhouse看西裝,全家人指的是爸爸、媽媽、姊姊、姊夫、弟弟、妹妹還有我七個人,夠多吧~全家人浩浩蕩蕩的為了就是要看婚禮男生們要穿的衣服。以為不用多久的時間就能完成任務,沒想到可花了不少時間。覺得好玩的是每個人有每個人的意見,七嘴八舌的,不知道有沒有嚇到他們的店員..哈哈 =P
Monday evening...
I had dinner with Grace at Green Street in Pasadena. We had an awesome time catching up with our lives. I think I should do this more often.
Thank God for the friendship He has given to me =)
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Friday, June 24, 2005
Thursday, June 23, 2005
I don't have to work tomorrow!!! yey~that means I don't need to get up that early. I think I am adjusting well to my summer working schedule but I usually feel really sleepy after dinner time. I had a very relaxing day this morning because the students had an exam and there was a fire drill. Then they watched a video, "The Killing Field", for the rest of the class time.
This afternoon, my boss asked me to go to her office and she told me she got the offer for the assistant principal position at one of the elementary schools in Chino Hills. I am really happy for her but it seems like everybody is sad because she is leaving. I guess my reaction didn't show any sadness. Why should I be sad?? I just don't' understand that why people make it something so sad when it is something good for her. For me, I feel happy for her because she got promoted to the next level of her career goal. I will definitely miss her.
I really enjoyed the presence of God through the worship and message from SOP WNW last night. The speaker spoke about spiritual warfare and how sins hinder us from serving Him. "Forgiveness" is the word that really hit me. Be honest, I am NOT a forgiving person and it takes a long time for me to forgive others.
Imagine there was a white board in front of you and it listed out every single sin you'd committed in your lifetime...But the precious blood of Jesus poured over the board and covered all of your sins. It's just so amazing that God forgives me and covers me with His mercy and grace. I prayed to God that "Sydney keeps no record of wrongs."
Many times I would feel I am not capable of serving God. I love and have the desire to serve Him but so many times I found myself holding back. I prayed to God for His strength and courage and I ask Him to open my eyes so I can see the needs of people. All things are possible in the Lord!! It's all about Him~
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
If God answers your prayer, He is increasing your faith.
If He delays, He is increasing your patience.
If He doesn't answer, He has something better for you!
from Pinky Beanie
Monday, June 20, 2005
今天是第一天開始我的summer job,昨天晚上12點以前就乖乖去睡覺了,就是怕早上爬不起來,6am,對,早上六點就起床了,可是坐在床上十分鐘後才離開我的床,真是痛苦...這樣早起的日子要持續到七月底。
我是在sheltered English class裏幫忙,感覺好像回到high school的時候一樣,這個summer,他們要唸一本小說,叫做"To Kill A Mockingbird" 有人讀過這本書嗎? 我也借了一本回來讀,免得到時候一問三不知...我希望這個summer,我能認識這個班裡面所有的學生,這是對自己的期待...
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Saturday, June 18, 2005
看到他們從Junior High, High school, 還有College畢業,
Inka Trails
ishyjo took me to Inka Trails Peruvian Cuisine for dinner last weekend. We found this restaurant from the entertainment book. This was my first time eating Peruvian foods and I liked it. We had "Anticucho Mixto" for appetizer (two skewers of a combo of beef, chicken, shrimp and fish, marinated to perfection, served with hot sauce & potatoes). ishyjo had "Bistek a la Pobre" (top sirloin steak, served with beans, rice, fried egg and fried banana). I ordered "Picante de Mariscos" (mussels, calamari and shrimp sauteed in a spicy garlic chili sauce, then cooked in a sauce with cubed potatoes and a sprinkle of cilantro and parmesan cheese, served with rice). Very interesting experience...
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Monday, June 13, 2005
Free Lunch
太好了!!!! 完全交給神了!!
I finally turned in my application packet 2 days earlier before the deadline. I'd been so stressful for getting all the things I need for the application. To me, "Philosophy of Education Statement" was the most difficult part. But thank God, ishyjo helped me a lot on that. Thank you so much!!!! =) I hope I didn't force you too much. =P
There is no such thing as free lunch but I did have FREE lunch today. =)
I went to Cal State LA to drop off my application and on the way back, I passed基隆廟口營養三明治 HoHo Sandwiches in El Monte. Jack's parents opened that place not too long ago and I have never been there before. So I decided to visit them and also have my lunch there. But Jack happened to be at PCC for his summer ceramics class. I am really happy for Jack that his health condition is getting much better. Even though Jack wasn't there, I still had a great time talking to his mom and eating 牛肉麵 and green tea. It was very yummy =)
After my free lunch, I went to visit ishyjo at Savon pharmacy in Monrovia. He was super busy when I got there. Many cars were lined up at the drive-through window and many people were waiting inside the store. It was interesting to see ishyjo wearing a white coat behind the pharmacy counter. =) He was working hard!!! heehee...

ishyjo and I went to this dance production at El Camino College in Torrance last Saturday. It was an awesome performance. I love their colorful outfits, beautiful movements, and smoothing & relaxing music. I really enjoyed it through the entire show. I want to go to Hawaii~

Ellen & Dave
Dave is ishyjo's friend and he is a veterinarian.
Ellen is Dave's fiance and she is one of the pretty dancers.
Friday, June 10, 2005
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Send Me, Lord
Lillian is going on a mission trip to Taiwan from 7/6 to 7/17. Her team will be working at an orphanage for the first couple days and then they will travel to Kao-Hsiung 高雄 and minister Taiwanese native people. The last part of the mission will be focused on young people.
Will Chen is going to Asia (Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore & Indonesia) with SOP on 7/12 to 8/18. There will be 22 people joining the SOP "單單只為祢 For You Alone" Asia Tour 2005 and Will Chen will be the male vocalist. SOP will have many praise & worship celebrations and here is the tour schedule.
My cousin, RonRon, is going on a mission trip to India for two weeks from 7/2 to 7/16. There are five people in her team which includes leader Jeff, Christy, Anne, Greg & herself. Mostly they will be working at an orphanage in the city of Mysore (southern India). They are scheduled to teach a Vacation Bible Study style class for the kids who are around 6 to 9 years old. They will also travel to Belgaum (northern India) and work at a local high school.
They will all depart from the same place to different cities & countries for the same purpose. To bring people closer to our loving Savior, Jesus Christ. May God prepare and bless their hearts. For me, I really want to be part of them and I know no matter where I am, I can be the prayer warrior for them. I believe our prayer support is the weapon to our spiritual warfare!
Let's all become prayer warriors for His Kingdom! We are all going to be rewarded by our God!
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
I ate a lot today.
For lunch, it was the end-of-year luncheon at a Korean restaurant called "Ong Ga Nae Korean BBQ." We had about 24 people. I had the Korean BBQ ribs lunch special. Overall the foods were pretty good except the pumpkin porridge that I didn't even try. Yes, I am a picky eater. =P I had a good time meeting old friends from different school sites but it was extremely noisy inside that restaurant. Everyone seems to be very happy because it's the end of the school year and everyone has two and half months summer vacation. For me, I am going to work more this summer, not only for the summer school and district office, I want to get some translation works as my side jobs. heehee =) I want to keep myself busy!!!!!
For dinner, I had Japanese foods at "Ojiya 小千谷" in Chino Hills. I started to enjoy sashimi little by little over the years. I still don't quite understand the art of eating sashimi. To me, eating sashimi is like eating a piece of non-flavored soft meat with soy sauce and wasabi and the fun part is just to have the pungent sensation. =)
Tonight, I went to Petco to get the goldfish food. Our goldfish have been starving for couple days already. As I walked into the store, I saw a lot of pets like rabbits and hamsters. So I walked toward the back to the fish section and when I passed the birds section, there were real birds flying above my head. It was so interesting that they just let the birds fly around and some birds just rested on the shelf, very cute. For those who have seen the picture of me holding a bird on my msn, the retail price for that kind of bird is about $140. This is just for your own information. =)
Monday, June 06, 2005
To Thoughtful You From Thankful Me
我的網站是我透過文字和照片表達我心情和感受的地方, 很多時候都是和你們分享我生命裡許多快樂、好玩及值得感恩的事情, 但是也有時候是我心情低落的時候寫的, 就像上個禮拜, 心情很煩躁, 寫了一些東西讓你們擔心, 所以特別想讓你們知道, 我很好. 謝謝你們的關心, 很感動, 因為生命裡有你們. =)
Interesting Sunday
Yesterday, pinkybaby and I went to Hollywood Face Makeup Academy for a free make-up workshop. I didn't know how pinkybaby know about this event but she signed up for me. I was surprised that most of the ladies who came to this workshop are in their forties and fifties. I think it was really fun and they taught you the steps and techniques on how to put make-ups. Of course, the purpose of this FREE workshop is to make you feel that you really need to buy their products. heehee~ they got me. I bought some stuff. I think it's good to make yourself prettier and presentable, agree?
After the spending money on those expensive cosmetics, ishyjo, TheRob and I went to watch the most boring movie, Star Wars: Episode III-Revenge of the Sith, at Mann Village Theater in Westwood. Why boring? (Well, that is only my personal opinion because I don't really like science fiction.) I fell asleep TWICE during the movie. I know. I couldn't believe myself either. haha =P It happened to me when I was watching Star Wars I or II. Maybe there is a relational sleeping pattern between Star Wars and me. Well, at least I enjoyed the philly mushroom cheese steak & fries at South Street & one dollar only ice cream sandwich at Diddy Reise.
Saturday, June 04, 2005

Blessed Girls 蒙恩使女
Blessed is a Christian music group of four girls from the bay area. They are called by God to carry the message and blessings of Jesus Christ to everywhere they go. In the beginning of the year 2004, they came together and formed the group "Blessed Girls 蒙恩使女" and published their first CD "Your Love Feeds My Soul 你的愛溫暖我." They dedicate themselves and their voices as living sacrifice just for one purpose: bring more lost souls before the throne of God.
This year, their second CD, "By Heart 感應" will come out on 6/27. Blessed Girls are currently in Taiwan and preparing to promote their latest production on TV and radio shows. Please remember Blessed Girls in your prayer and support their music ministry. May you be blessed by the blessed music from Blessed Girls!!
Unfailing Love
You have my heart
And I am Yours forever
You are my strength
God of grace and power
And everything You hold in Your hand
Still You make time for me
I cant understand
Praise you God of earth and sky
How beautiful is Your unfailing love
Unfailing love
And You never change God You remain
The Holy One
My unfailing love
Unfailing love
You are my rock
The one I hold on to
You are my song
And I sing for You
And everything You hold in Your hand
Still You make time for me
I cant understand
Praise you God of earth and sky
How beautiful is Your unfailing love
Unfailing love
And You never change God You remain
The Holy One
And my unfailing love
Unfailing love
-Chris Tomlin
Friday, June 03, 2005