有些事想問, 卻不知怎麼開口...
有些事想說, 卻不知如何起頭...
Five of us girls spent an extremely relaxing & fun afternoon at Venice Beach yesterday. The weather was cloudy in the morning but the sun came out when we got to the beach. God is so awesome. He answered our prayer with sunshine so Little White could surf. All of us really enjoyed God's creation and we had a great time sharing and getting to know each other. I love my rainbow sisters~
From the rising of the sun to the setting of the sun, the name of the Lord is worthy to be praised. It's so wonderful just to come before God to worship Him, praise Him, and enjoy in His presence. He has put gladness in my heart!!
昨天在網上和Carol聊天, 我想全天下就我們倆最閒了, 所以我們就約好今天一起吃午餐, 就藉著今天的blog來介紹Carol好了, 我也是在上個月去彩虹上山前認識她的, 目前她正在找工作, 所以才會跟我一樣時間超多, 她個性非常開朗, 跟她在一起覺得很喜樂, 她超級會唱歌的, 這次也因為她有參與SOP的recording我們在練習的時候就有碰到, 而她現在和我一樣都有去SOP. 感謝神讓我們都有感動用音樂和歌聲來敬拜和服事.
I missed ishyjo's call. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. >_<
"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight." 1 Peter 3:3-4
ishyjo is going back to Taiwan this Friday for 10 days. I am thinking what I want him to bring back for me. heehee =)
Last Saturday night at CiR, I learned about the "K" word.
Because you are responsible for the welfare of another person, taking care of yourself is doubly important. You need to stay rested, refreshed, and energetic, both for yourself and the person for whom you care. That means taking good care of yourself physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, socially, and financially. If you don't take care of yourself, inevitably there will be tension. Your relationship with the person you are caring for will suffer, and other areas of your life may be negatively affected.
I haven't gotten the chance to update my blog for about a week or so. Well, I just don't know what to write about. I set two rules for my today's blog: 1. No more happy birthday 2. No more picture. Since I named my blog "Blessings", I will start counting the blessings God has given to me to start my blog.