Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Monday, April 25, 2005
Happy Monday~ =)
March of Dimes Walk America is coming up this Saturday. I get so excited and surprised every time I click on my Walk Website because I am reaching my fundraising goal faster than I thought. This makes me feel that I can make a difference. I raised my goal to $400 since there are 5 more days before the actual walk. Thank you my dear sponsors! You guys are so loving and generous. Thank you for participating in this meaningful event with me.
Last week, I sent out emails to my friends and families to sponsor me and I got three different responses from them.
- read my email, decide to be cheerful givers
- read my email, ignore my email, and decide not to participate
- read my email, ignore my email, decide not to participate, decide to respond, but with a negative or discouraging feedback.
Well, the first two reactions are accepted but the third response would make me consider this type of people cold-hearted/cold-blooded...
I am NOT collecting money for myself. It is to raise money for researches done specifically for PREMATURE BABIES.
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
I am participating in this event called March of Dimes Walk America. It is to raise money for researches done specifically for PREMATURE BABIES. Since it is for a good cause and I need people to sponsor me to walk 6 miles (it's a huge challenge for me), I need YOUR HELP!! =)
Every child deserves a healthy start to life; premature babies need your help now! My goal is to raise $350 before the walk takes place on April 30, 2005. If you would like to sponsor me, please visit my web page on Walk America:
Any amount would be greatly appreciated. =)
Be a cheerful giver~
May God bless your giving hands =)
Somebody told me that I am getting lazy by just posting photos on my blog. That's how I feel too. I've been putting up too many pictures. =P
My parents are going to North Carolina for my cousin's wedding. They left this morning to Washington DC, Pennsylvania, Maryland and then to North Carolina to meet up with other relatives. They are going this one-week trip on their own with the help of AAA maps and travel guides. heehee, very adventurous. It seems like their honeymoon. Actually my mom doesn't really know where she is going to visit so she just follows... =)
I will be TheRob's mom for a week while my parents are gone. My mom bought a lot of foods for me to cook. She listed out all the important things/rules I have to take care of, such as making sure TheRob eats breakfast every morning and fruits everyday. I told her that we probably won't eat the oranges since nobody is going to cut it. haha We are so spoiled...
Last week, I went to this 4-day Tres Dias retreat hosted by United Christian Church of Hacienda Heights. Thank God for this opportunity to enjoy His presence. This was the best retreat I had in my life.
Before going to this retreat, I wrote down my prayer in my journal. I asked God to renew my life, to have more passion for Him, to be able to minister Him and people wholeheartedly. Thank God for answering my prayer in a way more than I asked or imagined. How wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ. I am deeply surrounded by the love of God. I am deeply filled with the love of God. Thank God for opening up my spiritual eyes to see His amazing grace in my life.
This retreat was full of surprises, precious memories and touching moments. I was so touched by the team members who served throughout this retreat. I see the beauty of God in them, so thoughtful and considerate. They set the loving examples of Christ. Big thanks to all team members!!!!!!!
I have received abundant blessings from God and I pray that I will be a blessing to others. All the touching feelings and emotions might fade away as the time goes on. I have a commitment before the Lord: I will love Him, seek Him and follow Him all the days of my life.
Now that I have tasted that the Lord is good, I give thanks to Him and praise His name!!!
"Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him."
Monday, April 18, 2005
Sunday, April 17, 2005
Saturday, April 09, 2005
Monday, April 04, 2005
Sunday, April 03, 2005
"A picture used to be a sum of additions. In my case, a picture is a sum of destructions. I do a picture--then I destroy it. In the end, though, nothing is lost..." --Pablo Picasso
This quote is sooo meaning is too deep to understand. I was staring at this quote that was on the wall of Picasso's exhibition, trying to figure out what it really means.
Eva, Pinkybaby and I visited Norton Simon Museum in Pasadena over the weekend. We really wanted to see the special exhibition of Picasso's Toros. So three of us spent the entire beautiful Saturday afternoon learning to be more artistic. =) We looked every single artwork and took tons of pictures with the paintings we were interested. It was really fun and I am thinking about which museum to go next...

Chestnut Gatherers 1893-94
By Georges Lacombe, French