February, makes me to think of Valentine’s Day. Tuesday, makes me to think of the chicken nuggets. Today, I had lunch with ishyjo at Baja Fresh, one of my favorite restaurants. We used to go to Poquito Mas when ishyjo lived in West LA. That’s when I started to enjoy Mexican foods (except the beans). After lunch, ishyjo headed back to class and I went to Borders to look for some books that I need for my CSET preparation. By the way, ishyjo wants me to “study more & sleep less.” heehee =P
Tonight our tambourine dance class gathered together once again for practice for the first time this year. We will join Clay Music’s music sharing event this Saturday night. It's a Chinese New Year's outreach concert, so it would be great for non-believer friends to come. If you have nothing to do this coming Saturday and you love music, come and bring your friends too.
Here is the info:
Saturday, February 5th, 2005, 7:30 PM
First Evangelical Church in Rosemead ~ 聖迦谷羅省基督教會
3658 N Walnut Grove, Rosemead, CA 91770
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