
Friday, January 14, 2005


I was late for work again this morning. I am supposed to get to work at 9 but I was 30 minutes late twice within this week. urr... It usually takes only 15 minutes to my workplace but due to the rain and road construction, I spent 45 minutes traveling 5 miles per hour all the way there.

I had a lot of fun at work this morning because my coworkers and I spent the entire morning decorating our office. We changed the winter wonderland theme into Valentine's Day love in the air celebration. Two of my coworkers even had a "field trip" to Joann to buy the materials. We considered decorating the office an educational project because we want to provide students and parents a lovely environment. I even suggested that we should take before and after photos. Some of you had seen my Christmas office pictures before. Isn't it nice to work in a beautiful office? =)

I didn't know coffee is so popular at 10:30 pm until last night. ishyjo and I went to It's a Grind Coffee House around 9 pm yesterday and the place was packed. We couldn't find a place to sit so we went to Starbucks across the street, still very crowded. Then we headed over to another Starbucks near my house. We were lucky enough to find a table. I was amazed that people came to buy coffee this late. I would say from 10 to 11 was the busiest hour, people kept coming in. While ishyjo was memorizing all those long, hard-to-pronounce drug names, I was observing and wondering why people need caffeine on a Thursday night. For me, I can't have anything with caffeine (green tea, bo-ba milk tea & coffee) in the afternoon, otherwise I will have a hard time falling asleep.